East Coast College Field Trip

East Coast College Field Trip


San Gabriel Mission High School students were given the opportunity to go on a week-long tour of East Coast Universities such as Harvard, Yale, MIT, Brown, Boston College, Northeastern NYU and more!  Senior Jenavie Alcaraz shared, “Before stepping on these campuses, I was apprehensive, afraid I would be too intimidated by the atmosphere and the students themselves.  Thanks to this trip, I now have an understanding that the students really are just that, students.  I've come to realize that as long as someone has the ambition to attend a college of their choice, they can succeed there, because everyone is there for the same simple reason: to get an education.”  This upcoming spring students will be taking a tour of universities in Northern California.


You are welcome to hear more about the programs offered at

San Gabriel Mission High School during Open House on

Sunday, November 6th noon from 2:30 pm