SGMHS programs supporting student wellness
SGMHS programs supporting student wellness:
- Counseling Partners of Los Angeles:
- Through a generous grant SGMHS has partnered with Counseling Partners of Los Angeles (CPLA).
- CPLA’s team of highly committed and compassionate counselors provides school-based counseling services at Los Angeles schools for elementary and high school students throughout the school year.
- They support our school communities when crises and other special needs arise by providing presentations, consultations, resources and support to students, faculty and families.
- Students can be referred to services either through self-referral, parent or faculty/staff referral.
- SGMHS has a CPLA counselor available to students Monday through Friday from 8a.m. - 3p.m.
- Peer Mediation Program:
- Through a generous grant SGMHS partnered with the Western Justice Center which provided the training for our Peer Mediation program.
- SGMHS has six students trained and certified as peer mediators.
- WJC puts students in the driver’s seat at their schools – as community leaders and builders. Our youth empowerment programs teach students how to become peer mediators and lead restorative justice circles. WJC challenges students to link their work as mediators to movements for social change, encourages them to initiate student engagement projects at their schools, and connects them to careers in mediation.
- With WJC, students learn core social and emotional skills, such as self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship building and responsible decision-making. These skills are critical building blocks to success in school and in their careers.
- Students also delve into issues of equity and justice underlying the social, political and civic roots of conflict. Through the arts, WJC invites students to reimagine their classrooms as peacemaking spaces, to see themselves in places the world tells them they do not belong, and to own their power as mediators, artists and activists.
- De-stress Activities
- ASB sponsors final exam de-stress activities every fall and spring semester which includes petting zoos, friendship bracelet making, arts and crafts, etc.
- Self-Care enrichment course offered every spring
- Student Assembly Presentations:
- Throughout the school year SGMHS provides a number of assemblies and some of the topics covered are::
- Alcohol and Drug prevention/Awareness
- Bully prevention
- Healthy relationships
- Mental Health Awareness
- Self Care
- Resources are posted in the student newsletter as well as around campus.
Teen Line | Teens Support hotline - Connect, talk, get help!
- If there is an emergency, please pick-up the phone, and dial 911, or visit your nearest emergency room.
- If there is a personal crisis and you are an adult, please call the 24-hour crisis hotline at 310-391-1253.
- If you are under 18 years of age, please call the teen 24-hour crisis hotline at 310-855-4673.