Mission Student Plans Successful Fundraiser

Maria Castanon, a senior at Mission, is knee deep in preparing for life beyond SGMHS. With college applications, the senior year extended essay, and quickly approaching IB exams it's needless to say she is BUSY. As an IB Diploma candidate Maria was tasked with creating a project to serve the community, so she decided to create, plan, and execute a fundraiser for two community groups that are dear to her heart, the San Gabriel Mission Parish Marimba and the education program of Homeboy Industries. 
On January 16th, Maria's plans came to fruition in the Parish Hall of SG Mission.  She sold tickets for a concert played by the Marimba group along with four local musical groups.  They sold food and drinks and provided a fun night of entertainment.  In total, Maria raised just over $2300!  Half of the proceeds will go to the Marimba group and the other half will go to Homeboy Industries. SGMHS is proud of Maria for being a woman of Mission.