P.A. ANNOUCEMENTS February 13, 2013

Ladies, do you need service hours? If you want to help on Saturday with a retreat from 8:30 – 2:00 please see Mrs. Aneja to sign up. It is being held at the St. Joseph’s retreat center.

SENIORS, your FAFSA is due on March 2nd. If you need any help please see Ms. Sallo for help.

Ladies, if you are attending Youth Day with your Parish, Youth Group or confirmation group, you must notify Ms. Ceballos in the front office and also bring in a letter from your group stating that you are attending with them, if you do not bring in the letter the absences is unexcused.

Mission Ladies, did you hear the good news? Applications for Campus Ministry are now available. Stop by Campus Ministry and get yours today! Applications are due Friday, February 15, 2013. See Ms. Collier if you have any questions.

Do you know a BAND that will Rock the House, if so tell them about our 4th Annual Battle of the Bands, competition Mission is hosting on February 15th, there are still spots open for your band to compete. Pre-Sale tickets are on sale now, for the low price of $5.00; speak to any GAA member and get your ticket today.