P.A. ANNOUCEMENTS December 3, 2012

Adopt a Family; please bring goods for the program. Seniors must bring in 3 bars of soap, juniors 3 toothbrushes w/toothpaste, and sophomores need to bring 2 rolls of paper towels and freshman you are to bring a package of toilet paper (4 rolls), this will count as an assignment and is due on today.

SENIORS, I would like to advise you that transcripts cost $1.00 your first one was free. If you put in for a transcript and you are receiving one from Ms. Ceballos be prepared to pay your $ (money) or she will not give you the transcript.

The following Seniors your transcripts are ready and have been for a week: Karina Robles, Kat Guerrero
Please bring money for transcripts and pick them up in Ms. Ceballos.

Attention all sophomores and freshman your service learning ours and reflections are due on Today, December 4th. You must have 15 hours of direct service at an approved location. You must also turn in any approval forms that Mrs. Aneja has signed. Original copies go to Mrs. Aneja and copies to your religion teacher.