P.A. ANNOUCEMENTS October 15, 2012

Ladies did you know that the month of October is breast Cancer awareness month! To support those who are fighting cancer, there will be Koins for Kids being sold on October 16th, for $1.00. You may wear any pink non-uniform clothing or accessories, however please stay true to the guidelines. Veritas will be collecting money in the foyer in the morning and at break time.

Attention all students, PSAT’s will be on Wednesday and school will be dismissed at 11:15 am. Please bring your calculators and #2 pencils.

JAM FOR LIFE; meeting today at break in Ms. Francisco’s room. It will be a short meeting. Please be prompt.

Any student who is conditioning for soccer, please come to Mrs. Overley office @ break today and sign up. If any athlete h as her physical form, please bring it to Mrs. Overley at break today.

Seniors, on Wednesday we will work on your college applications. Please bring your laptops, account logins, personnel statements, parent income tax and social security. Also, we will work on your research papers so bring them if yo9u can. Ms. Sallo and Mrs. Tran will be available on Tuesday and Thursday after school in the counseling center if you need to help for college apps.

Ladies interested in playing Basketball, conditioning will begin today from 3:10 pm to 4:30 pm. You must have physicals on file before you can start conditioning or tryouts. Please see Mrs. Rivas if you have any questions.

Attention Cathedral Cheerleaders! Yearbook will be taking your photos on Tuesday, October 16th during lunch. Please do not forget your uniform and pom poms. If you do not show up you will not be in the photo.

Ladies interested in playing soccer, conditioning will begin Monday from 3:10 pm to 4:30 pm. You must have physicals on file before you can start conditioning or tryouts. Please see Mrs. Overley and check if you have your form on file.