P.A. Announcements 4/20/2012

Monday, April 23rd is a Formal Uniform Day. Seniors will present their Senior Research Project to Alumni, faculty, staff and their peers. Freshman, sophomores and juniors will be dismissed at noon and seniors will be dismissed at 12:30. Parents you are welcome to join us this day. Prayer service will begin at 8:15 am in the Aud.
Attention ladies, your applications  for class board for 2012-2013 are due on Friday, April 20th to Mrs. Rivas or Ms. Olmos. They are due by the end of the day.
Work experience students, stop by and see Mrs. B and get your green time sheets. 
Dancing with the Mission stars. Place your nomination in the donation bin for the best dance, watch the video's on School tube and place your vote.
Are you interested in performing in our Mother-Daughter talent show? You may present your taken with or without our mom. Sign up in room 123!