Tuesday, Feburary 9, 2016





Senior Board will be selling Valentine Grams at break and lunch in the Foyer, the prices range from

$1.00 for the card alone, $2.00 w/Card and lollypop $3.00 w/Card and bouquet of lollypops. Please support your senior sisters. Thank you.




Interested in ASB for the 2016-2017 School year. Drop by room 212 at lunch today to pick up an application.




Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday which begins lent. To start this Holy Season Veritas will be selling lunch, Mrs. Mora and the mission moms will be making Potato Tacos and Quesadillas with rice and beans for $5.00 a plate. All that delicious for only $5.00. Veritas will be selling tickets today during break and lunch.




Softball season is here on Wednesday, February 10th @ 4:00 pm at the field show up and get details.