P.A. Announcements 11/30/2011

Attention all class and club boards: Please sign up for what you will be selling during the Christmas activity on Tuesday. Sign up and make some money for your class/club.

On Monday, December 5th, Seniors are hosting their 2nd Shakeys Night! Come enjoy pizza, mojos and chicken. It will be held on Valley Blvd. in Alhambra from 5:00pm-8:00pm. See you there!

Attention international students: Please report to room 222 at lunch today. You will be taking pictures for yearbook.

Ho! Ho! Ho! Want an easier way to send a friend a gift? The junior class will be selling Christmas grams from Nov. 30th –Dec. 9th. The price ranges from $1.00-$2.00. Come check them out! If you have any questions, see a junior board member.

Hey Mission! Are you going to watch the basketball game? Do you want to munch on something during the game? The junior class is selling donuts after school today for $1.00. Please support!

Attention juniors: Remember to do your bulletin boards! They need to be finished by Monday!

Attention freshmen and seniors: This is a reminder that you will be dismissed at 12:00pm after AHA activities.

Attention seniors: There is a mandatory meeting today at lunch in room 222. Your attendance is mandatory!

All those student council members on the Dominican Day Committee please meet at lunch today in room 118. Thank you!

The lunch time detention list is posted. Please remember to make your way to the computer lab by 1:03pm, or by 3:20pm if you have after school detention. Thank you.

Tutoring with Ms. Collier will be cancelled today and Thursday.

Attention all GAA members: Yearbook staff will be taking your picture during break today. There will also be a picture taken of the GAA board members.