SGMHS Weekly Updates

November is Hunger & Poverty Awareness Month. This coming weekend 30 of our students will be on a 30 hour Famine Retreat fasting in solidarity with those in hunger and poverty as well as serving in a soup kitchen and learning about our Catholic Social Teachings. Please pray for them and if your daughter is on this retreat please use extension 123 if you need to get a hold of one of the chaperones.
Father/Daughter dinner dance is tomorrow at the San Gabriel Hilton. Doors open at 6 pm. Please make sure you arrive by 6:45 pm since dinner will be served at 7 pm and thank you for your participation. It will be a splendid event!
Open House is from 2-4pm on Sunday. Please invite any prospective Mission students to visit the school.
Monday, November 7, is an early dismissal at 12:53pm. The schedule for the day will be 6, 5, 7.
Friday, November 11 is Veteran’s Day. There will be no school.
Homecoming is on Friday, November 11, 2011 At Dodger Stadium. All final dress and shoe checks will be on Monday, November 7th at lunch time.
Basketball and Soccer Players: All physicals and sports fee are due to Mrs. Overley no later than November 18th. If the physicals are not on file and the sports fees are not paid, you will not be able to practice or participate in any games until all physicals and payments are received.
Thank you and have a blessed weekend.