P.A. Announcements 10/24/2011

After school hours for college tutoring have been cancelled for today. Mrs. Tran-Trieu will be in the computer lab tomorrow at lunch.

The 30-Hour Famine committee will be meeting today after school from 3:30-4:30 in room 225. Please see Ms. Collier or Ms. Aneja for more details.

Attention Student Marketing Team: Please check the November presentation list posted outside of Ms. Reyes’s office.

Attention Mission ladies: The Student Store will be open today after school to purchase you Pioneer Wear.

Mrs. B. will be available at break sign-in on today for Work Experience. There are new jobs available within walking distance that can pay $48/week tax free! Come to the foyer at break to see what is available.

Attention Seniors: Your first deadline for Senior ads is this Friday. See Mr. Landiguin for more details.

Soccer practice has been cancelled for today and will resume tomorrow.